To create multiple services, Go to the services page, click on the up arrow on the top right corner and then click on "Upload Services". Following page is displayed

Once you click on the upload services link, a new window opens wherein you will find a "link to download an empty service list file".
Download format of file to be uploaded. This file has following fields:
- Company ID - Mandatory field. You may get Company ID by downloading client list from Admin. In the downloaded client list, key in the value of first column "Internal ID" here.
- Company Name - Mandatory. Make sure the name of company matches exactly as it is present in Papilio. The best way to enter this is to copy this from the client list downloaded.
- Category - Mandatory. Enter category as present in Papilio
- Service Type - Mandatory. Enter type of service for which you are creating this service
- Service Template - If you would like to get tasklists and tasks from an existing template for this service type, enter it here. Make sure the name of template is as present in Papilio
- Service Name - Optional. If not specified, name of service will be same as service type name
- Start Date - Start date of service. If entered, it has to be in "dd/mm/yyyy" format
- Due Date - Enter due date of service. Make sure it is in "dd/mm/yyyy" format.
- Recur Type - If you want this service to be recurred, specify the recur type accordingly. It has to be one of - "Weekly", "Monthly", "Quarterly", "Yearly".
- Duration: Duration is always in numbers.
- For weekly – Ex: Every week on Wednesday, specify duration as - “1” and When as “wednesday”
- For monthly – Ex: Every six months on 31st, specify duration as “6” and When as “31”
- For Quarterly – Ex: Every quarter – specify duration as “1” and When as “1”. All other values are ignored.
- For Yearly – Ex: Every year on July 1st, specify duration as “1” and When as “01/07/2014” (DD/MM/YYYY). Year part is ignored.
- When - Enter this value as specified in the above step
- Est Fee - Enter agreed fee with client for this service
- User - Enter email address of as many users need to be associated with the service. You may enter each user email in one cell. You can associate any many users by entering their email in each cell of the row. It is not restricted to three users as shown in spread sheet.
Save this as a CSV file and upload. All services will be created immediately. You will also receive an email indicating the status of service upload. If there are any errors, error file also will be attached with the email. Correct those errors in the attached file, and upload this file again to create these services.